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Diese Seite beschreibt das Editionsprojekt "Erstellung einer kritischen Edition der Johannesapokalypse" und begleitet und dokumentiert seinen Fortschritt. 

This is a site devoted to communicate an editorial project "A critical edition of John's Apocalypse". Here we document its progress.


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Studien zum Text der Apokalypse II

We are pleased to announce the forthcoming book Studien zum Text der Apokalypse II (ANTF 50) edited by Marcus Sigismund and Darius Müller. Here is not enough space to mention all of its content wink, but I would like to remark some highlights:

  • Two reports about the ongoing work on the ECM of Revelation
  • Edition of the Syriac version of Revelation by Martin Heide
  • Small edition of the Coptic text by Christian Askeland
  • Various articles dealing with the text, transmission, and reception of the Apocalypse.

The book will be published soon (July 2017) - it is a perfect beach reading matter!

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Verfasst am 11.08.21 19:44.